AVC692 1/3″ 彩色高解 CCD 半球型攝影機

1/3″ 彩色高解 CCD 半球型攝影機

High Resolution Best Selling Camera Series This HIGH RESOLUTION surveillance camera series is designed to suit versatile security demand. with the HIGH QUALITY PERFORMANCE and UNMATCHED LOW PRICE, it makes your security demand affordable.


1/3″ 彩色高解 CCD
高分辨率 480 TVL
低感亮度1.0 Lux at F2.0

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Model AVC692
感光組件 1/3” H.R. color CCD image sensor
攝像圖素 771(H) x 492(V) 753(H) x 582(V)
分辨率 480 TV Lines
靈敏度 1 Lux / F2.0
訊噪比 More than 48dB (AGC off)
快門模式 1/60 (1/50) to /100,000 sec.
鏡頭 F3.6mm/F2.0
可視角度 92°
光圈模式 AES
白平衡 ATW
影像輸出 1.0 Vp-p composite, 75Ω
電源 DC12V ± 10%
消耗功率 90 mA
尺寸 100(O) x 60(H)
淨重 79.5(g)
